
Cookies policy

This website is managed by University of Cambridge Investment Management Limited ("UCIM"). From time to time the website will set cookies on your computer, subject to your consent.

Cookies are small text files that sit on your computer and record specific interactions between you and this website, and in some cases, other websites. This information is sometimes shared within University of Cambridge Investment Management Limited, and in limited cases, third parties.

Below is more detail about the cookies we use, what they record and with whom the information is shared. You are free to disable cookies.

Cookie name: has_js - used by UCIM to see whether your system has JavaScript turned on or off.

Cookie name: _ga; _gat; _gat_shorthand; _gid - used by UCIM and Google Analytics to understand how users are navigating our website, see how often content we publish is used and to test changes to improve the user experience. The data we have is anonymised.

More information available on Google's Privacy Policy:

Cookie name: username - used by UCIM to see whether you have read our disclaimer on the front of the site before continuing to browse further.

How to disable cookies

Your web browser will have an option you select which will block cookies. Below are links to popular web browsers, and how to block cookies using them.


Internet Explorer

Google Chrome
